Catalogue 'Rabinos, cannolis y puertos'
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Catalogue published for the exhibition of the same name presented in September 2008 at two locations, the Palace of the Embarcadero of the Port of Santander and the My Name's Lolita Art Gallery in Madrid.
Through port architectures and transit places, the poetics of misunderstanding and the fair doses of narrativity, crossed allusions and frozen emotions, Charris takes us to the heart of the enigma, to the threshold from where the boats leave and where the Legends: to Painting.
Year: 2008
Characteristics: Softcover. 48 pages
Dimensions: 21 x 21 cm.
Language: Spanish
Edit: Autoridad Portuaria de Santander
Texts and desing: Ángel Mateo Charris
ISBN: 978-84-936590-3-5
Legal deposit: SA/659-2008