  • Futurama


    Softcover. 160 pages. Spanish/English.
    Edit: Instituto de las Industrias Culturales y las Artes,
    Desing: Rodrigo Fonseca
    Photo: José Filemon
    Texts: José Óscar López y Mery Cuesta
    Translate: Charles Davis
    ISBN: 978-84-19052-22-3

  • Pacíficos



    Special edition of 60 numbered copies that include an original 13 x 18 cm ink drawing
    It includes the paintings exhibited in the "Pacificos" exhibition  by Charris at the Archaeological Museum of Cartagena in 2021.
    Texts: Alejandro Hermosilla and Charris.
    Hardcover. 100 pages. Format: 15.4 x 20 cm.

  • 2.19

    Cover 2.19
    Cover 2.19


    Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Mazarrón (Murcia, Spain)
    Softcover. Spanish. 82 pages, 17 x 23,5 cm.
    Print: Industrias Gráficas Novoarte S.L.
    Desing: Ángel Mateo Charris
    Legal deposit: MU/82-2019


  • Suite Africaine


    Softcover. French. 95 pages, 20,5 x 20,5 cm.
    Texts: Silvie Memel Kassi, Juan Manuel Bonet and Aloisius McCharris
    Desing: Ángel Mateo Charris

    Book of the exhibition of the same name that took place in April 2018 at the Musée des Civilizations of Côte d'Ivore in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The African-themed exhibition was organized by the Spanish Embassy in Abidjan in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and the Francophonie of Côte d'Ivoire and the ATEF OMAIS foundation.



  • Death in Venice

    La muerte en Venecia cover
    La muerte en Venecia cover


    Author: Thomas Mann
    Illustrator: Ángel Mateo Charris
    Hardcover, 162 pages. 187 x 240 mm
    ISBN: 978-84-140-0558-3
    Publisher: Edelvives (Contempla)

    Gustav von Aschenbach, a renowned German writer, decides to visit Venice to spend the summer months there. He meets a Polish family at the hotel and discovers the ideal of beauty in the family's young son, Tadzio.

    Aschenbach observes the boy with great interest and falls into a kind of infatuation that helps him reflect on issues such as truth and beauty. As fascination with the young man grows, a cholera epidemic looms over Venice; a real and metaphorical danger that corners the protagonist in a tragic way.

    The artist Ángel Mateo Charris establishes a symbolic dialogue with the great German author to illustrate the feelings, delusions, fears and longings of this shocking fantasy.

  • Pictionary Island


    Publisher: Concejalía de Cultura. Ayuntamiento de Fuente Álamo de Murcia (Spain).
    Softcover. 40 pages. 23 x 16,5 cm. Spanish.
    Texts: José Alcaraz, Alberto Soler, Juan de Dios García, José Óscar López, Alejandro Hermosilla, Cristina Morano, Beatriz Miralles, León Molina, Mar Navarro, Hugo Cano, José Daniel Espejo, Noelia Illán,Vicente Velasco, Antonio Moreno, Diego Sánchez Aguilar., Héctor Castilla. Antonio Jesús García Conesa, Juan Lorenzo Mendoza Martínez, Jose Celdrán Peñalver, Charris.


  • Los Mares del Tiki


    In this book, we have shown visions of the South Seas by two very different artists –Charris and Lotus Eater– one a professional artist and the other an amateur, one who works within culture and the other directly through life, one a tourist and the other settled there, one Spanish and the other Uruguayan-Polynesian, one whose work is based on reflection in Cartagena and the other working spontaneously in the Marquesas Islands. Their images are accompanied here by texts by Juan Manuel Bonet, Sema D’Acosta, Eloy Fernández Porta, Sven Kirsten and Charris himself to offer us, with these lines and postcards from paradise, a sort of essay-collage about what we, as a culture, have constructed around this idea, of what this Tiki territory is and isn't, with aromas of Tiare Flower and hibiscus, sounds of the waves and ukuleles, true and false, authentic and kitsch: unforgettable.

    Publisher: La Naval.
    Hardcover. Spanish/English. 236 pages, 17 x 24 cm.
    Texts: Juan Manuel Bonet, Sema D'Acosta, Eloy Fernández Porta, Sven Kirsten, Ángel Mateo Charris.
    Translation: Rachel Miller.
    Print: Libecrom.
    Layout: Charris.


  • Los Cosmolocalistas

    Los Cosmolocalistas
    Los Cosmolocalistas


    Hardcover/Softcover. 23 x 28 cm. Color. 88 pages. Spanish/English
    Publisher: Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia Consejería de Cultura y Portavocía Dirección General de Bienes Culturales Museo Regional de Arte Moderno
    Texts: Gail Levin ©2016, Héctor Tarancón Royo, Charris 
    Translation: Rachel Miller, Lambe & Nieto  
    Printer: Libecrom 
    Designer: Charris


  • Una de aventuras


    Publisher: Fundación Cajamurcia
    Hardcover. Spanish/English. 96 pages. 18,5 x 18,5 cm
    Texts: Gabi Martínez and Jaume Vidal Oliveras.
    Translation: Rachel Miller
    ISBN: 978-84-95726-94-0


  • On The Road To Damascus


    Publisher: Gema Llamazares Gallery
    Softcover. 24 pages. 21 x 21 cm.
    Text: Juan Carlos Gea


  • Charris + Lejarraga. Piel de asno.


    Publisher: CAB Caja de Burgos
    Hardcover. Spanish/English. 48 pages. 23,5 x 28 cm.
    Texts: Luis Fernández Galiano and Charris

  • Great Expectations

    Freat Expectations
    Freat Expectations


    Author; Charles dickens
    Illustrator: Ángel Mateo Charris
    Publisher: Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L .; No. 1 edition (November 1, 2012
    Language: Spanish
    Hardcover: 495 pages

    ISBN-10: 8415472447
    ISBN-13: 978-8415472445
    Product Weight: 1.7kg
    Dimensions: 20 x 4 x 27 cm
    On the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Charles Dickens, we present this edition of Great Expectations, illustrated by Ángel Mateo Charris. Translation by Manuel Vallvé. 
  • Cantón



    Publisher: Bambara Gallery and Ayuntamiento de Cartagena
    Soft cover, Spanish, 12 pages.
    Text: Charris

  • Charris Times


    Publisher: T20 Gallery
    Newspaper, Spanish/English, 8 pages.
    Texts: Charris

  • Analogical


    Publisher: La Naval
    Softcover, Spanish/English, 120 pages. 7,5 x 10,5 cm.
    Text: John Van Sickle
    ISBN: 978-84-613-2680-8


  • Rabinos, cannolis y puertos


    Publisher: Autoridad Portuaria de Santander 
    Softcover, Spanish, 48 pages. 
    Texts: Charris 
    ISBN: 978-84-936590-3-5

  • Una cuestión de suerte


    Publisher: Vuela Pluma Ediciones
    Hardcover, Spanish, 160 pages. Limited and numbered edition. 16 x 21 cm
    Texts: Charris

  • Textos por catálogo


    Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena 
    Hardcover,  Spanish /1 text english, 256 pages. 17 x 24 cm
    Texts: Charris

  • Heart of Darkness

    Heart of Darkness
    Heart of Darkness


    Author: Joseph Conrad
    Illustrator: Ángel Mateo Charris
    Publisher: Galaxia Gutenberg
    Hardcover, Spanish, 158 pages.
    ISBN: 9788481097085

    Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Conrad, Galaxia Gutenberg publishes this exquisite book with illustrations by Ángel Mateo Charris.

  • Días en Volcanovia


    Publisher: Universidad Pública de Navarra 
    Softcover, Spanish, 48 pages. 21 x 21 cm.
    Texts: Charris 
    ISBN: 84-9769-129-6
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