


Gerhard Richte's Cat, 1998 Oil on canvas. 81 x 116 cm.

Gerhard Richte's Cat, 1998 Oil on canvas. 81 x 116 cm.

Gerhard Richte's Cat, 1998 Oil on canvas. 81 x 116 cm.

Beaver. I just found out that I am this animal in the Native American horoscope. And here I go, stacking logs until I try to build a house - a world - that stops the flow of the current somewhat, the inevitable passage of water.
Tiger, according to the Chinese, and sometimes I am from a sad provincial circus and others from an Asian jungle.
Taurus, bull, meek or fighting, brave or trimmed, proud meat of pasture but also little bull of television.
Messenger crow, cat, turtle, squid, chameleon, donkey and horse, owl and bat.
I never know who I will meet in the morning in the mirror, who of this unpredictable and capricious fauna. With what sky, sea or land will I have to face, if I will be the hunter or the hunted, if a living being or a whim in the hands of the taxidermist.

C. 2010