Tikis at the Museum
Within the NOVA program of La Mar de Arte this year it is possible to see my exhibition Pacíficos full of tikis and Polynesian Hawaiian and New Zealan ... (More)
Within the NOVA program of La Mar de Arte this year it is possible to see my exhibition Pacíficos full of tikis and Polynesian Hawaiian and New Zealan ... (More)
In this book, we have shown visions of the South Seas of two very different artists -Charris and Lotus Eater- one a professional artist and the other ... (More)
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC · La Madraza de Granada, del 20 de enero al 31 de marzo de 2017. "Esta exposición en torno al viaje plantea un diálogo entre Áng ... (More)
El artista cartagenero expone en Barcelona y en Santander, simultáneamente, las obras de su nueva serie de viajes, 'Los mares del Tiki'. Dice Ángel Ma ... (More)
The work of Charris has always been linked to the idea of a journey. Whether in his series about distant lands –Africa, Lapland, Hopper’s America or S ... (More)